Two very scarce Wisconsin Winged Bannerstones made from exotic Granite. Purchased from a very old Collection many years ago. Ex Albert Addis.
Various styles of Hinged Bannerstones from different materials found along the Ohio River Indiana.
Hooked Bannerstone. Archaic. 8000- 1000 BC. Probably early archaic. This piece is stupid rare. Collected in 1967. It is made of an attractive conglomerate quartzite. Ohio Co, Indiana.
Drilled hardstone Amulet. Made of Granite. Ohio
Probably Fort Ancient culture, this Tablet is made of Hematite. Super rare.
Hinged Bannerstone. Early Archaic. 8000 - 1000 BC. Made of Honey Quartzite. Marked Indiana, most likely from extreme southern Indiana since it is a southern form.
Quartz Bannerstone. Archaic. 8000 - 1000 BC. Made of red quartzite. Floyd Co. Indiana.
Eliptyical Gorget. Woodland. 500 BC. - 100o AD. Made of speckled granite. Putnam Co. Ohio.
Hooked Bannerstone. Archaic. 8000 - 1000 BC. Beautiful choice of quartz on this rare piece. large for its type. Perry Co. Indiana.
Various styles and materials represent this grouping of Plummets. Hematite, Quartz, Basalt. All from Ohio
Problematical relic made of sandstone. Ross Co, Ohio
Discoidals from Indiana and Ohio. All made of granite.
Various Bust Style Birdstones non of which are drilled. Undrilled Bust Types are common. This assortment are made of granite sandstone and gneiss. All from Ohio, Indiana and Michigan.
Prismatic Bannerstone. Early Archaic. 8000 - 1000 BC . Made of Yellow quartzite. Van Wert, Ohio.
Tablet. Probably Fort Ancient Culture, but could be as old as Adena. Problematical pieces extract the imagination. Marked Miami River, Ohio.
Wisconsin Winged Bannerstone type. Archaic. Made of Chlorite.
Large Hinged bannerstone. Early Archaic. The exotic material is just spectacular on the piece, made of yellow quartzite. Harrison Co. Indiana.
Prismoidal Bannerstone, Archaic. Made of exotic quartz. Ohio Co. Indiana.
Keeled Gorget. Made of Granite. Indiana
Large stylized Prismatic Bannerstone, Ohio Co. Indiana
Quartz prismatic Bannerstone. Cass Co. Indiana
Sandstone Ear Spools. Marked Southern Ohio.
Assortment of drilled Cannel Coal. Numeric description of site only. My guess would be somewhere along the Kentucky side of the Ohio River, probably Fox Field.
Large Biscuit type Discoidal made of Quartz. Missouri
Large Discoidal made of Quartz. Switzerand Co. Indiana.
Too good to be true? nope. 4.25" Tablet made of pipestone. Birdman from Posey Co. Indiana
Sandstone Tablet. Posey Co. Indiana
Made of the mineral Quartzite. Most likely Hopewell Culture. Human effigy, Posey Co. Indiana
Extroidinary Deity bowl made of Basalt. 24 lbs. Reportedly found in Indiana, but most likely found in the NW. Collected in the 1950s
Handled pestle with snake effigies. Really killer piece. I have absolutely no information on this piece. My guess is NW.