Keeled Gorget. Glacial Kame Culture. Archaic. 8000 - 1000 BC. 6" across. Fully decorated and tallied with delicate drilling. Marked Indiana
Reel Bannerstone. Late Archaic. 8000 - 1000 BC. Extremely scarce type and considered by many among the highest form of Archaic developement. Pike Co, Ohio
Double Notched Winged Bannerstone. Archaic. 8000 - 1000 BC. This is a larger example and falls into the mid archaic period making it around 7,000 years old. Perfect symetry and sharp deliniation. Thin wings with sharp edges. Not a nick on this beauty. How did it survive the centuries?
Indented Gorget. Woodland period. 1000 BC -500 AD. Early Woodland probably Adena and rarely found outside of Ohio and Indiana. Jay Co, Indiana. Scarce type.
RARE 6 sided double notched Butterfly Bannerstone. Archaic. 8000 - 1000 BC. This bannerstone represents perfection at its highest degree. Miami Co. Ohio.
Reel Bannerstone. Archaic. 8000 - 1000 BC. 5 1/2" in length. This is a large example of an extremely scarce type. Pike Co. Ohio.
Single Notched Winged Bannerstone. Archaic. 8000 - 1000 BC. Well made with unique "flute" on one side of the drilled hole. Mercer Co, Ohio.
Geniculate Bannerstone. Late Archaic. 3200 BC. Dated from specimen found at Modoc Rock Shelter. Considered as being one of the rarest type of Atlatl weights. Beautiful example of an angular style. Williams Co. Ohio.
Lizard/Snail Effigy. The most stylistic example one could hope to own. Large example at 6 3/4". Marked Ohio.
Enigmatic Bannerstone. Archaic. 8000 - 1000 BC. This piece, along with the other similiar one were found back in the 50's on the Roth Farm in Allen Co, Indiana.
Bow Tie Bannerstone. Archaic. 8000 - 1000 BC. Beautiful lines and color. Well made and without blemish. Wood Co, Ohio.
Enigmatic Bannerstone. Archaic. 8000 - 1000 BC. Interesting 6 sided barrel types made of fine looking slate. 3" in length. Van Wert, Ohio.
Notched Ovate Bannerstone. 5 1/2" in length. This is a particulary scarce type. "There are probably less than fifty complete and un broken Notched Ovates in Ohio Collections", Robert Converse (Ohio Slate Types). The epitome of high stone art developement of ancient man. Shelby Co, Ohio
Quadriconcave Gorget. Adena. 1500 BC - 100 AD. 5 1/2" wide. This is a large Gorget. While avoiding a flaw in the slate the Indian managed to keep the hole straight on one side. Never a common piece. This one takes the show. Hardin Co. Ohio.
Enigmatic Bannerstone. Archaic. 8000 - 1000 BC. This piece, along with the other similiar one were found back in the 50's on the Roth Farm in Allen Co, Indiana. This one has one fluted side
Double Bit Axe Bannerstone. Archaic. 8000 - 1000 BC. 6" in length. This one was found at the bottom of a box free of protection. it suffers box dings. Paulding Co, Ohio.
Truly mysterious enigmatic objects. Typically, unassociated surface finds. They have been found on Fort Ancient sites.
Class A Winged Bannerstone. Archaic. 8000 - 1000 BC. 5" in length. Unique fluting on wing tips, and both holes. Marked Ohio.
Panel Bannerstone. Archaic. 8000 - 1000 BC. This piece is without blemish, a beautiful example of a rare type. Another piece aquired from CJ Oneill. O neill had purchased a hand ful of pieces from the Platter collection sometime in the 70's.
Pick Bannerstone. Archaic. 8000 - 1000 BC. Large for its type measuring 7" across. Another piece aquired back into the collection from CJ O'Neill.
Notched Ovate. Unusual design. Wells Co. Indiana
Glacial Kame "Sandal Soul" gorget. Very large example from Paulding Co. Ohio.
Double Notched Butterfy Bannerstone. Never a common piece. Mercer Co. Ohio
Reel Bannerstone. Large for its type. Tension blow out evident. Allen Co. Indiana
Adena Key Hole Gorget. Made of a common slate material found in Kentucky. Boyd Co. Kentucky
Adena Gorget. 9" in length. Ohio.
Adena Expanded Center Gorget. 4"
Lizard Effigy. Longest one i have seen, Measures 8"